Dental Emergency

Odontologia - Venha Tratar Conosco - Emergência Odontológica

"They occur more frequently in individuals who do not have dental follow-ups regularly, but may also occur during or following dental treatment."

It is considered urgent a situation that requires attention and care with certain agility, but there is usually not a serious risk associated . If a dental urgency does not have the appropriate treatment, it may escalate and become an emergency situation, considerably increasing the health risks to the individual.

The most common dental emergencies usually are related to the pulp and dental apex, as they cause the greatest discomfort and painful symptomatology to the patient. Among them, we can mention: pulpitis, pulp necrosis, dental fracture, hyperemia, pericementitis and dentoalveolar abscess. Other situations that are also very common are: dental or bone trauma, pericoronaritis, dental hypersensitivity, fractures or loose restorations and prosthetic work (especially before holidays, trips, weddings or graduations).


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